Race Day Kit List

It is super important to make sure you have the correct kit and knowledge of your kit before race day. Here are our triathlon and multisport kit must haves. We strongly recommend that you have all these items when attending our events!


  • Towel
  • Tri suit or race gear
  • Wetsuit
  • Goggles (and a second pair just in case)
  • Swim cap
  • Lubricant for chafing


  • Bike
  • Race wheels
  • Spares (tubes, tyres)
  • Bike tools (Allen keys, etc)
  • Bike pump
  • Bottles
  • Bento Box for nutrition
  • Cycle shoes
  • Helmet
  • Sunglasses
  • Bike computer
  • Elastic bands
  • Socks
  • Warm clothing if cold/wet (arm warmers, light jacket)

Running Checklist

  • Trainers
  • Elastic laces
  • Sunglasses
  • Cap or visor


  • Race belt
  • Toilet roll
  • Nutrition (gels, etc.)
  • Water (bring a bottle to top up your bike bottles)
  • Sun cream
  • Snack (in case of delays)
  • Governing body race documentation



We know that triathlon kit can be incredibly expensive! If you’re looking to save on kit there are several ways you can save:

  • Borrow a friends! If you have mates who are happy to lend you gear, why not ask!
  • Second hand: Using online market places is a great way to get great kit at great rates!
  • Our merchandise team at Scimitar have some great deals on Tri suits and our merchandise here!